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A relaxation area is reserved for you to enjoy the expertise of our massage therapist Éliane Payette. She has completed all levels of massage therapy training in order to provide you with the highest quality and personalized care. Using a biomechanical approach, Mrs Payette utilizes a wide array of massage techniques (Swedish, Hawaiian, Californian, Biocorporal, Sport and Pre-natal).  

Céline Larivière has 15 years of practice in a chiropractic clinic as well as in a private massage therapy clinic. It offers a personalized approach in accordance with your state of health. His massage techniques include the following approaches: therapeutic, relaxation, Swedish, shiatsu, for pregnant women, for children, oriental, lymphatic drainage, finger-puncture, reflexology and technique with suction cups. She also takes care of the care of children with her massage lotions with natural flavors that will please your little ones.

Gift certificates are available for 30, 60 and 90 minutes massages.














Here is a quick glance at the different types of massage therapists. Massage therapists must master each level of practice before being able to pursue studies in the following level.

Massage Therapist

Uses therapeutic relaxation techniques in order to reduce muscle tension and produce a feeling of well-being.


Manual therapy utilizing musculo-articular mobilisations in order to release tensions and regain complete range of motion.


Massage therapist specializing in posture who works on problems related to back pain and stress.

Ateliers ''Bouger mieux'' partie 1
Ateliers ''Bouger mieux'' partie 1
Notre mode de vie peut faire en sorte que le corps ait besoin d’apprendre ou de réapprendre à bien bouger pour moins souffrir. Joignez-vous à nous pour un court atelier sur ce 1er sujet de la série ''Bouger mieux'' BIEN SE PENCHER ET BIEN SE RELEVER, AVEC OU SANS CHARGE.
Upcoming events
Business hours

 Dr Natacha Lauzon, chiropractor D.C.

   Monday                                          13h00 à 20h00 

Wednesday                                   13h00 à 20h00 

  Friday                                             13h00 à 20h00 

  Please contact us if you have

  any questions.

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